Planned Giving
By contributing to BalletRox, you are helping young people in Boston thrive through a chance to dance!
Since 1992, BalletRox has provided high quality arts education, performance, and scholarships for deserving youth. Your generous contribution supports arts programming in Boston Public Schools and accessible and affordable dance classes in our community. Your generous contribution provides more Boston youth the tools they need to succeed in life through dance!
Ways to GIve
There are many ways to make a planned gift to the BalletRox to fit your family, finances, and charitable legacy. Some of the ways to give:
- Bequests
- Appreciated Securities
- Life Insurance
- Real Estate
- Personal Property
- Crypto

A Bequest is a gift made through a will or a living trust. It’s the most popular planned gift; the easiest to make; and costs nothing during a donor’s lifetime. A Bequest can be included in a new will, or added to an existing will or living trust through a simple amendment called a codicil — often without the expense of hiring a lawyer.
A Bequest is usually a set dollar amount or percentage of an estate that goes to a nonprofit after the donor’s death.
Appreciated Securities
Publicly traded Appreciated Securities that a donor has owned for more than one year can be transferred to a nonprofit organization. The nonprofit then sells the securities and keeps the proceeds, which can be applied to whatever purpose the donor designates. The donor gets an income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities while also avoiding capital gains tax.
Life Insurance
A donor can designate a charity as a Life Insurance policy beneficiary. When the time comes, the nonprofit receives the proceeds. This allows the donor to provide a large gift to benefit a nonprofit — often more than they’d be able to donate outright. The donor’s heirs benefit as well, because policy proceeds distributed to a nonprofit are exempt from estate tax.
Real Estate
A donor can make a Gift of Real Estate to a nonprofit, removing a large taxable asset from their estate and benefiting by receiving an income tax deduction equal to the appraised fair market value of the property, with no capital gains tax due on the transfer. The nonprofit can then sell the Gift of Real Estate or keep it for its own use.
Personal Property
Donors can gift items such as artwork, collectibles, books, equipment, or other items of tangible personal property. Most times, a gift will yield them a charitable deduction for the items’ fair market value (it must be professionally appraised), with no capital gains liability to the donor or organization. The nonprofit can either keep the property, display it, or sell it and use the proceeds.

Contact Us
Learn more about making a planned gift.
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